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Artwork Image Database

Terminology Overview

Core Identification


Unique identifier for each work using the format AC### (e.g., AC001). This cataloguing system maintains consistency with previous research and documentation efforts.



The primary title of the work, with any alternate titles noted in brackets. Where works appear in multiple sources under different titles, all known variations are included.



Date (Common Era)

Standard calendar date of the work's creation. Where exact dates are known, these are given in the format YYYY-MM-DD. For works where only the year is known, the format is YYYY. Uncertain dates are indicated with "c." (circa).


Date (Thelemic)

The date in Crowley's own calendar system, which begins from 1904 (Year 0). Presented in the format "An [Roman numerals]" (e.g., An XVI = 1920). Included both for historical accuracy and to aid researchers working with Crowley's original documentation.


Physical Description


The materials used in the work's creation, using standardized art historical terminology. This includes both primary medium (e.g., "oil on canvas") and any additional materials or techniques employed.



Physical measurements given in both centimeters and inches (height x width x depth where applicable). For two-dimensional works, depth is omitted unless specifically relevant.



Reference Institution

The primary institution holding documentation or research materials related to the work, even if not the current location of the work itself.


Accession Number

Institutional reference numbers where applicable, including museum accession numbers or archival reference codes.


Historical Documentation


Exhibition History

Chronological list of all known exhibitions featuring the work, including dates, venues, and catalogue numbers where applicable.


Literature References

Published references to the work in scholarly literature, exhibition catalogues, and contemporary sources. Formatted according to standard academic citation practices.


## Technical Information

**Image Reference**

Reference numbers for associated photographic documentation, including historical photographs and current documentation images.


Technical Notes

Conservation information, condition reports, and technical analysis findings. Includes details of any restoration work or material studies.


Research Notes

Additional scholarly observations, interpretive notes, and cross-references to related works or documentary materials.



Details of signatures, inscriptions, and marks on the work, including transcriptions of text and descriptions of placement. Also includes any magical sigils or specialized notation systems used by Crowley.


Notes on Database Usage

- Fields marked with an asterisk (*) contain primary research data

- Uncertain information is clearly indicated with appropriate scholarly notation

- Updates to entries are dated and attributed to maintain research transparency

- Cross-references between entries are indicated with CAT NO. references

- All measurements and dates have been independently verified where possible


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